The Merton Park Daffs Initiative

Encouraged by planting in Kendor Gardens and elsewhere in the borough, last year I started the ‘Merton Park Daffs’ initiative, initially seeking to plant around the bottom of trees in Kenley Road. This idea for a bit of post-covid ‘guerilla gardening’, quickly expanded into a plan to plant daffodils in our grass verges. It seemed like a great thing to look forward to in spring each year, especially after the impact of Covid 19. Continue reading “The Merton Park Daffs Initiative”

Why Another Green Initiative?

There are loads of great organisations asking people to be greener and petitions urging council and government to do more. Pictures of littered beaches and wildlife surround by plastic is distressing, but it can be difficult to appreciate how it affects you directly and how you can make a difference.

This is about all of us doing something at a grass-roots level. Making a difference to your immediate environment and making small changes to your own habits will eventually scale up to effect a wider cause. Continue reading “Why Another Green Initiative?”

What is our Green Initiative?

We are asking people to take part in our 30 day Green Habit Challenge by choosing 1 or 2 green initiatives that they would find easy to do for 30 days. (With a view to their actions becoming longer terms habits.)

Download a pledge sheet with daily chart to help you! Encourage others to get involved by commenting on posts on this page and sharing hints, tip or useful links. And of course let us know how your challenge is going!

Listed below are just a few green actions, but we would love to hear what YOU could do and would be willing to pledge. Continue reading “What is our Green Initiative?”

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