Join Merton Park Ward Residents’ Association and have automatic voting rights at our AGM, and make your voice heard in your community!

Merton Park Ward Residents’ Association welcomes new members and hopes that we provide a lively and supportive community group.

Any Merton Park Resident or Business within Merton Park Ward can become a member giving you voting rights at our AGM.  In addition we always welcome volunteers and interested parties who may be looking to join the committee and become an active member within the ward.

At only £5 per year (or £20 for 5 years, £40 for life membership) the fees go towards producing the FORUM newsletter, hosting our monthly meetings, community projects and of course during election time covering the campaign costs of our independent MPWIR councillors.

Note however, joining MPWRA does not mean you are signing up to any political party!

While we hope that you would support the sponsorship of our independent candidates, and the majority of our members do so, you are not obliged to.

Join Merton Park Ward Residents Association by filling out the form below and doing a bank transfer for the correct subscription amount to:

Acct Name: MPWRA
Sort Code: 40-33-14
A/c No: 51277405
Reference: your address e.g. ‘22 Dorset’ 



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