Our Councillors


Merton Park Ward Councillors elected in 2022, Cllr Edward Foley & Cllr Stephen Mercer

The 2022 Election night was another resounding success for Merton Park Ward Independent Residents’ were elected for the ninth time in succession.

At 60% the Merton Park Independent Councillors share of the total vote exceeded all other parties combined and represents an increase on 57% achieved in 2018.  Turnout this time was 50%, the same as in 2018 and above the 40% turnout averaged across all Merton wards.

Results by party for Merton Park Ward are given below:

2022 2018
% %
MPWIR – Edward Foley 31               60 57
–        Stephen Mercer 29
Labour 18 18
Local Conservatives 12 16
Liberal Democrats 8 7
Green Party 3 3

A full list of the results for Merton can be found https://www.merton.gov.uk/council-and-local-democracy/elections-and-voting/election-results

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